Posts Tagged ‘evolution’

Atheist (15)

Atheist: Do you know why I can describe so perfectly the smelly hairy disgusting hideous sex crazed ignorant beasts that roamed the planet as our ancestors billions of years ago?

Theist: No offense intended but it sure sounds like you were there with all those graphic details.. But please tell me it sounds interesting anyway. And since we’re friends why not.

Atheist: Man searches inwardly for his origins. He yearns to learn of his beginnings. He longs to know where he came from.  He dreams of returning there. That is why sometimes we all experience deja vu. We walk into a room and suddenly feel as we have been there before. It is weird but cannot be denied; that it is reality.

Theist: Are you telling me that the ugly hairy smelly nasty dirty sex-crazed ignorant beasts you keep telling me about is the place you want to be? I am shocked! Do you mean to tell me that if I imagine a castle in the air it is because I once lived there? Please do not insult my intelligence. All this deja vu is nothing more than memory with a glitch in it. I still believe in good old-fashioned documents.

Atheist: That could also be true about the memory glitch. Imagination is connected to the myth of a beginning. It is the myth of paradise lost as Milton spoke of. It is that place that resembles Atlantis the lost city. We humans know there is more to us than just a few years here then nothing.

Theist: Billions of years backward and only a few years to look forward to you say? Your time-god is at it again. Making things only to murder them. Billions of years to look back on where all was the survival of the fittest. But nothing to look forward but death for the new improved beasts.

Atheists: So anyway the smelly hairy disgusting sweaty beasts did all they could to improve their lives.

Theist: So where are the fossils that shows the changes between these horrible disgusting beasts, to improved beasts, to new and improved beasts?

Atheist: I think you need to learn about mutations.

Theist: This will explain the change?

Atheist: Well not exactly but at least you will get a clue about reality.

Theist: Back to your myth. When you began to drift off into trances to experience your ancestors in their natural habitat how does it make you feel?

Atheist: May I remind you again these beasts are your ancestors also. Don’t sit there and try to make me believe you are some special created by God creature when the truth is you evolved just like the rest of us.

Theist: If I did evolve from the disgusting creatures would I not recall it also as you do, as you probe into the deep recesses of your memory searching for your beginnings?

Atheist: Not if you deny it as you seem to do. You suppress it because you refuse to believe the truth because the Eden story was hammered into your psyche by other ignorant Christians.

Theist: Do you want to know what the Bible says about what you are now going off on?

Atheist: Go ahead and say it.

Theist: New age stuff. It is all imagination. This is why God forbids it.. Our imagination can go off into places that are dangerous. God commands through the apostle Paul us to  gird up the loins of our mind. He knows the mind is not what new agers think it is; a playground.

Atheist: When Darwin broke upon the world revealing his magnificent discovery; that informed us that we all descended from a common ancestor; probably an ignorant incredibly ugly and smelly sex crazed baboon it was the news the world had been waiting for. We wanted to know our origin. The age of enlightenment passed and we knew that God was dead, or rather  the idea of God. Now we know we descended from smelly beasts and the world is better for it. Can you imagine how that smelly ugly ignorant beast would have felt if he had known that one of his descendants would someday remember him? Darwin was that descendant. Can you imagine how proud that smelly ignorant beast would have been if he could have seen billions of years into the future to see his descendant discover aspirin?

To be continued….

Atheist 14

Atheist: If Jesus Christ did exist he evolved just like the rest of us. He evolved from a hairy smelly beast like you and me. But the fact is Christianity invented him to feel better.

Theist: Nope. He did not evolve He did not, for no apparent reason suddenly appear in Bethlehem. He was expected. Documents called prophesies. When he was born even the wicked godless king Herod knew he was expected. Documents. He sent his yes men to inquire of the  Hebrew scribes where the Christ would be born. They told him in Bethlehem. Wise men came to find him following a star that shone in the sky.  Documents. The entire universe moved in tune with his birth to announce it. This was no ordinary event in history. Guess what? We have records of it. It was normal to expect what was documented. Why? because back in Eden the Lord God said Messiah would come. God said it so it had to happen. So immediately his ancestors begin to expect him. They kept track of every son born from Eve to Mary the mother of Jesus. By the way, I just remembered; in what way does evolution convey universal truths? Jesus conveyed universal truths to us using simple parables and other teachings. But not evolution; it simply murders as it goes to prove itself true. What rubbish. No hope no love no nothing.

Atheist: Evolution has records also they go back to Darwin. I know that is not far but that is when the discovery was made by him that man evolved from animals. What exactly do you mean convey universal truths? By the way the Bible has been changed so much who knows what is true or false. Even some of your own theologians doubt its authenticity. Evolution conveys only that we evolved and evolutionary laws prove this.

Theist: What laws? Name one. There are absolutes. Evolution operates on blind chance. Or crying maybes. It is a theory. No universal law even hints of evolution. Of course you will say that science proves it. For now just Give me one way evolution explains the workings of universal laws. The very laws the Torah agrees with and wrote down. You know IE: the law of sin. You sin and die. It is a law. You sin you die. No hearing. No trial. No bonding out of jail. Steal your neighbor’s car and he might kill you. Lie to your boss and get fired.  Cheat on your spouse and destroy a once happy home. Attack the powers that be and lose the fight. By the way the powers that be are not people; they are universal laws. All these laws cannot be explained by evolution, nor are they present in the myth of evolution. To think that hairy beasts that were once reptiles and before that green yucky goo is to believe the real fairytale.

Atheist: Excuse me…..When our wild hideous hairy ancestors; those primitive ignorant beasts roamed the wild grasses of long ago, grunting as they  went, of course they were subject to laws. They did die.. We die from age and disease or from other causes. I understand there are universal laws but the Torah is just another ancient myth dreamed up by primitive tribesmen who thought the sky was a roof. The primitive hunters and gatherers naturally died. Nature did it.

Theist: And don’t forget time. You too will die. So will I because sin has separated us from God.  How does evolution explain crazy weather? Please don’t tell me time did it. Wait of course time did do it; it is the mythical murderer of anything that moves. We are against our will subject to death. Death comes in many ways but it is here and it spares no one. It kills. Evolution has no remedy for death but Christianity does. IN Christ we can live again.

Atheist: Science is what blows Christianity away. Death is the end of it. No breath no nothing.  Science has done away with religious myths. We no longer need these myths we just need knowledge to improve and succeed.

Theist: You mean succeed as did the educated serial killers the earth has shot forth? You brag of science and there is science. But there is still disease and death. Science cannot create life. Science is in tune with the Bible not with evolution. Matter and energy behave in certain ways. This is right in line with a non-wasteful God. Yet evolution has according to your report wasted numberless breathing entities for no reason except that it could.

Atheist: How unfair of this God to let all die except those who receive his Son. Evolution knows that we die. The hairy beasts died because they had no scientific knowledge to help them in any way. Like today we have medicine and doctors to help us. Yes we still die but that is just how it is. Chance did it. They came from goo and ended up in the grave it is true. But it happened that way in order for us to get here. Just blind chance. But natural selection began to weed out the bad to preserve the good.

Theist:  Don’t you see how empty that is? Chance. God is the one who said he is going to weed things out when he separates the wheat from the tares. We came from the earth and if we are in Christ we are the wheat. But if we are not in Christ we are the tares. Tares will be disposed of without mercy by being cast into the fire. The truth is that we have, say an appendix we can do without, it is because God is not wasteful, not that time eliminates because of natural selection.. it has to do with waste. Not the fittest survive only what is needed survives. This is why serial killers kill; they are wasteful and must be eliminated by laws.

Atheist: This outrageous tale of fire and brimstone that will devour the adversaries of God is absurd and unworthy of consideration. If there was a God he would not cast his own creation into hell. How could you believe such a thing?

Theist: The Bible tells me this fact. Also I see the sufferings in the world so clearly. The horrific happenings of unspeakable sufferings and death makes it easy for me to believe that God will have no problem casting people into hell. Remember he can do anything even that.

Atheist: I don’t accept that nonsense. Evolution is an observable fact. Those who deny it deny truth.

Theist That is your choice not to accept it. Evolution explains nothing it merely assumes evolution happened. The greatest weapon Christianity has against evolution is the knowledge that evolution possesses  no documents. Right now the president has been bombarded by those asking to see  his birth certificate. I did not vote for this person, and even if I had, I think he should show the document or explain why he doesn’t.  Documents are important. Try going through life without them. Darwin’s own testimony cast doubt on evolution being true. Your own guru said he doubted fossils would  be found.

Atheist: I guess nothing will convince you because of your narrow-minded thinking. Anyone who believes in talking snakes will not believe truth and this is what Darwin presented to the world the facts of man’s origins. The Flying spaghetti monster is the fundy’s guru.

Theist: Would you please explain why, without invoking the time-god, evolution has no documented Eden to recall when even pagan cultures knew the past held memories of a paradise once inhabited by humans, not memories of grunting hairy sexual deviated beasts who only existed to survive amidst such inhumane conditions that even earth’s ugliest baboons fare better?

To be continued…

Atheist 11

Theist: Tell more about the time-god’s victims  ; those smelly,  grunting,  disgusting,  hairy,  sexual perverted, cannibalistic beasts that the human race once was? I don’t believe a word of it but go ahead tell me anyway. It is very interesting.

Atheist: Well..look there was a time. Okay time was once far away from here. It was as I said billions of years ago. Apparently there was a sun moon stars galaxies. You know it was all here. But the savage beasts had barely learned to walk upright. They were simply living breathing things. Human they were not. They were animals only the animal they were had a different type brain. it was a little larger.

Theist: I marvel that you could believe such a thing. Okay so what made them “decide” to walk upright? I mean there had to be some motivation, some order of sorts to suddenly  cause them to walk upright. It is incredible and totally unbelievable that these wild men wannabes stopped hunching around and lifted themselves up. I would never laugh at your beliefs but give me a break here.

Atheist: Let me tell step by step what took place according to evolution.

Theist: Wait wait my friend…as you are describing your illustrious ancestors tell me how they managed to not be brutally killed by all the wild beasts? You know like bobcats and snakes? Oh yeah I forgot they were the wild beasts. But how is that these wild beastly smelly creatures evolved into men and other wild beasts such as bears lions know animals of that sort did not evolve into humans? What determined that? Also why is evolution so unmercifully involved? In the Bible it is so simple and to the point, so lovely. It says that God created man in his image. I love it!

Atheist: Working with time were  certain laws such as genetics.

Theist: Forgive my ignorance but is that DNA and enzymes stuff like that?

Atheist: All of that was at play along with protein and molecules and amino acids.

Theist: Truly I have no idea what these things are. Oh did you hear the one about God and the evolution scientist? Are you willing to hear it?

Atheist: Yeah sure go ahead. I hope it is funny.

Theist: The scientist said to God..”If you really exist let us have a contest and both make a human being. God being the reasonable loving merciful Being he is agreed.  God scooped up some dirt to begin. The scientist took some amino acids. Then God said to him..Get your own amino acids.

Atheist: Okay I admit that is kinda funny.

Theist: So is this one. Did you hear about the dyslexic atheist who said There is no dog!?

Atheist: That one is not funny!

Theist: I read that making protein by chance is about as possible as finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. Only in this case the haystack would reach from earth to Sirius. It is as probable as dropping a pin on the ocean floor then trying to find it blindfolded with boxing gloves on.

Atheist: Exactly my point! That is why time is so all important when it comes to things changing into other things. After billions of years anything  is possible. I’m telling you one day on a far away land something came out of nothing. I admit that I have no idea how that happened. But I do believe it. It is the only explanation that makes sense the only thing that works with science.

Theist: Even Darwin himself said that he feared no fossils would ever be found. When did Darwin die? wasn’t it about 160 years ago or near that? To think protein appears and does its thing is so far-fetched no wonder evolution is taught in secret. They sneak it into textbooks like they did with that lie of the Piltdown man. Too  late it was taught for a generation to kids that were basically brainwashed to believe a lie. No offense intended to you.

Atheist: Time can do it.

Theist: Did you know that Fred Hoyle said that it takes 2000 different and very complex enzymes for a living organism to exist? Then he said that random shuffling processes could not even form one single one of these in 20 billion years. That is how impossible it is.

Atheist: However it did.

Theist; How did it did? I wish you had more information beside time did it.

Atheist: The reason why the disgusting repulsive perverted beasts evolved into humans and the other wild beasts did not is time did it using certain evolving substances and allowing them to naturally select where  they wanted to go..It is all explained by chance. I could play the lottery and there is a chance I would win.

Theist: But deep down you really don’t believe you would do you? You know the odds are so against you why even think of winning. Some people get depressed when they try and lose. It is  not a guarantee whereas God is.

Atheist: but say I bought a ticket each week for a billion years surely I would win.

Theist: You would have to have your descendants keep buying  tickets. Because you will run out of breath, we do run out of breath you know.

Atheist: I would like you to take a look at the fossil record.

Theist: Instead tell me about Nutcracker man.

To be continued….

Atheist 10

Theist: Please explain how we evolve improving as we go but die anyway?  How is that improvement. Did you know that depression is darkness? It is totally negative. How did evolution not rid the world of depression and disease? Why did it not correct all these problems since it had billions of years to do it. That is a lot of time and still evolution gets it wrong.

Atheist: I will answer your questions but you tell me what darkness is. You tell me what is dark matter if you know.

Theist: Look we both know that dark matter emits no light. We are told the universe is 75% dark energy and 20% dark matter and only 5% normal matter. Hey there are spiritual implications here.

Atheist: Dark matter and energy is the violence of the universe. It makes all this stuff as it explodes and erupts making new galaxies and stuff. We really cannot understand its properties when we can’t even see it. We only know it exists because of its gravitational pull.

Theist: Do you think if you were able to travel where Hubble only dreams of going would you be afraid?

Atheist: Terrified. Deep space past every galaxy to the far unknown reaches of space would be downright scary. I’ve seen videos and have gone to planetarium. It is dark out there and I would not want to go there. I mean it seems to have no end.

Theist: Like God said of his understanding, it is infinite.  When I first read that scripture that says the Lord’s understanding is infinite it almost knocked me over. It goes on and on and on. Also since the universe is expanding faster than it was this means it is bigger and bigger. How you could think the universe is a self evolving subject is incredible. It would seem to me to be a dangerous thing with no one in control of what it does or where it goes. Like it could suddenly collapse or disappear. I do not like the thought that there is no Captain at the helm.

Atheist: Well there isn’t. We are on our own lost in a vast universe with nothing to look forward to but death for all of us eventually.

Theist: By the way if we evolved as you say, which I know we did not, than your time-god is cruel beyond description. It makes billions upon billions no really zillions. No it makes numberless creatures to engage in cannibalism and sexual perversion only to die after learning one thing…I mean adapting to his arthritis so the next wild hairy smelly beast can learn a little more about his arthritis only to die in a swamp of hunger and ignorance.. Now that is a cruel time-god. You would think after billions of years the time-god could have done a better job.

Atheist: I will say this once more. Time is an emotionless thing. It just passes it doesn’t see hear feel think or see. It simply passes. As it passes the smelly hairy grunting beastly creatures graduate after millions of years to forming a sound that is not a grunt.

Theist: Like what for instance?

Atheist: I wasn’t there so how could I know?

Theist: And there we have it you finally admit there is no way you could know what happened a gazillion years ago. Did your dating machines go on the blink? Oh I was going to say that the darkness that exists in our universe can be felt. We feel it with our minds. We see it therefore  we choose light.

Atheist: Seeing is not feeling.

Theist: Excuse me…the man they used in that experiment; the one they placed in that dark room without light for a week, all alone, felt his loneliness and his fear was apparent when he began to imagine an enemy in the room  with him. I would safely say he felt the darkness.

Atheist: He felt his own insecurities.

Theist: Why was he immediately comforted and strengthened by the candle they placed near him? Where were his insecurities then? He responded favorably to light and warmth.

Atheist: So what is your point?

Theist: The universe is dark it is black. The dark energy and dark matter is greater than the normal matter. The sun is a created thing by God and without it we are done. Can’t you understand how much we need the sun? The light? warmth?

Atheist: But we have it. I see no problem.

Theist:When one dies there is no sun it must be very dark.

Atheist: I can’t believe how negative you are. Man evolved and he will evolve until he is perfection.

Theist: I think not. After billions of years and still man is quite a mess tells me the time-god is cruel whereas the real God Yahweh has given us hope and more than that he sent his Son to save us. The time-god kills billions of creatures over periods of billions of years and still hasn’t got it right, than atheists have the nerve to say the God of the Bible is cruel.

Atheist: Save us from what?

Theist: From anything that robs us hates us and tries to destroy us.

To be continued….



Atheist (8)

Hi again Atheist and thanks for coming tonight. As I mentioned to you in our emails last night you will be questioned about the mind. Where did it come from? How did it evolve. Of course you know that I do not agree with one thing you have said about anything else you’ve offered here. I do not believe the universe or earth is billions of years old. I am sure it is only a few thousands years old because of documented evidence.  I certainly don’t believe humans evolved from different beasts over billions of time because of time’s magical powers. Before Genesis one, anything said what happened then, is hearsay. Anyway I respect your right to believe whatever you believe. I am sure God created man in his image and he called him Adam. Let us begin…

CS-Theist: How does evolution account for the mind?

Atheist: It simply evolved along with everything else. We believe that emotions and thoughts are just the result of the big emotional and mental bang. You see when the big bang happened, an incredible amount of energy was released from the center of it. The ability to think was among the treasure distributed to wherever it happened to explode . You know the time-god is not compassionate its purpose if you could call it purpose is simply whatever.

CS-Theist: You misunderstand the question or I did not make myself clear. I refer to the hairy smelly beasts you insist were our ancestors. Did they have a mind?

Atheist: Yes they did but it was limited to grunting. They had no idea to move their tongue to form words since there were no words to form. They  simply grunted. Try grunting and notice it requires no movement of the tongue.

CS-Theist: Brilliant observation on the part of evolutionists that no words existed to be formed. Well..why didn’t the creatures make some up? Anything even if it was just Let’s go hunting?

Atheist: Their mind was there but it was completely blank. They lived by instinct. As I said earlier most of their time was used looking for food. But since as you said earlier they probably committed cannibalism, they probably did resort to eating each other when no food was available.

CS-Theist: By the way what food was available besides they eating each other? And don’t forget to explain how the mind formed.

Athirst:  They ate grass and leaves, fruit and if they were able to outrun them, they caught raccoons and porcupines and ate those too. I’m sure they ran after foxes and coyotes and wolves to eat them. When they weren’t doing that they were multiplying and having baby beasts….all the while their minds were evolving. Why the earth turns on its axis in perfect tune from the get-go and humans took billions of years to evolve I have not a clue.

Cs-Theist: Porcupines? Uh..okay. I can see the quills sticking out of their face now. Truly the world you describe is horrible beyond belief. There must have been blood all over the place with the smell of decaying flesh and the stench of death. And to think this went on for billions of years is gruesome and sick to say the least. These beasts you describe did they possess any tenderness? Or is it as I suspect they were capable of nothing but murder and cannibalism? Sounds to me these disgusting creatures were deserving of death by any method. I  recall Yahweh commanding the Israelites to utterly destroy the Canaanites. These disgusting people were engaging in sexual perversions to have babies to offer them to demons. Archaeologists have found all the proof of this. Baby after baby after baby dead while they worshiped demons. And this was about six thousand years ago. We have authentic documentation for this. The earth turns on its axis without a flaw because the same God who set that going is the same God who made man in his image in Eden just a few thousand years ago.

Atheist: Well imagine what happened billions of years ago. I know evolution has no documentation to prove these hairy creatures existed but they had to have existed when you go backward into time considering the progress of man has been gradual and slow. We keep improving so it follows that there was a time we were brute beasts.

CS-Theist: I would not call a few thousand years slow progress. Just a short time ago we discovered many things such as electricity. America is only a few hundred years old and look how far we have come. What concerns me is the dead bloody smelly bodies of numberless creatures who supposedly lived. Would there not be some clue they were here? Anything? There is nothing.

Atheist: Well look at the Hebrews. Is there any clue they were here? They left behind no buildings, no works of art, no nothing. How do we know that Abraham Isaac and Jacob were real people? Egypt left the pyramids. Greece left us their knowledge and other nations have left many artifacts that proves they existed.

CS-Theist: Hello? We have the Bible and Jesus the Christ. We have over 5000 manuscripts of the Greek New Testament. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls. Israel is with us today and they live in their homeland since 1948. And even if a million mistakes are found in the copies of the New Testament we know that Jesus was the Word made flesh. And he said that all the Law and the prophets hang on this: Love your neighbor as yourself.

Atheist: Hearsay is all it is. In contrast; what evolution has discovered thanks to the great naturalist Darwin we now know that the Bible is a myth.

CS-Theist: The myth? the original myth has nothing to do with the Bible. The myth is the what originated with the ancients who worshiped the sun and moon, the rain and the stars. This was before God called the idolater Abram out of Ur of the Chaldees. When the rain watered these ancient people’s crops and made them grow, they worshiped the rain which they saw as one of the good gods. If the rains destroyed their crops they then believed the rains had become angry or evil, so to appease the rain they offered up gifts on altars. You know that is why so many ziggurats are found all over the world. They built them to offer sacrifices to the god that they saw as friendly. If the sun warmed them they worshiped it. But if it burned their skin they  thought it was angry so they offered up sacrifices to appease it. They worshiped anything they saw as greater than they were. If something seemed to have power over them they saw it as a god. It is still happening today as in when some people worship celebrities or money or anything they see as greater or better or richer than they are. Not all people do this only those who see them as gods.

Atheist: But back to the mind; when the hairy smelly beasts were hungry or wanted to multiply by mating with female beasts, which was all the time they did not think. They moved according to their feelings. They took what they wanted with not a thought of anything. They did not think, their brains were not developed to think, they only felt, and did whatever it took to satisfy their animal beastly lust for self-gratification.

CS-Theist: On that we agree that the mind is separate from feelings. Instinct is not the thinking mind. Living by instinct is animalistic. It is not of God. God told us to think, and he told us how to think, and what to think. Because he knows our feelings will get us into trouble. So he gave us the law of Moses to guide our minds to think only those things that will make us happy. The Law of Moses guides us to do things that are in order with God so we will worship no God but Yahweh. This is why God told us what to do and what not to do. All you have said merely confirms that humans are by nature beastly. But God calls it sin and sin is the transgression of his law. The Bible is civilized while the story of evolution is laden with sorrow and pain and unheard of amounts of blood and disgusting entities who had no goal in life, nothing but their teeth and lust to shed more blood.

Atheist: The mind slowly evolved over billions of years. Before that it was part of the big scheme of things. It was as I said part of the big bang. Then it began to localize into individual brains.

CS-Theist: So you say it localized into individual brains? What came first the brain or the skull? What looked for the other? Did the skull look for a brain or did the brain look for a skull to reside in? Sound pretty far-fetched to me.

Atheist: The brain found the skull after billions of years of time had passed. The brain could not think yet it had to go through time. Time had to pass before anything could evolve.

CS-Theist: This is your answer then; that the brain evolved without a mind than after billions of years, the mind found the skull and got in it than it began to think? So it was wandering around in space looking for a home?

Atheist: Yes you could say that. It was part of the big bang explosion than after time had passed it finally found its place in the universe which was inside a skull and brain.

CS-Theist: And what determined which skull it landed in?

Atheist: Again it was sheer chance. If so and so got a smart mind it was the luck of the draw of the universe. If the mind was not so smart it was simply how it went. The strongest survive.

CS-Theist: So the strongest mind survived and was able to choose what skull it entered? Why did not this happen for the hairy beasts? Why were they excluded from this great scientific expedition into the unknown?

Atheist: They were not considered fully human yet. They were merely experiments that time used and discarded on its way to here to almost perfect humans. Remember there must always be sacrifice for victory. The beasts were  sacrificed so we could be here. We owe them alot.

CS-Theist: Yes the time-god is evil. Evolution’s time-god and I borrow from a famous atheist Richard Dawkins these adjectives he used in this order… is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving, control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty, ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. As for sacrifice I am so glad Jesus sacrificed himself to give us victory.

Guest Atheist (3)

Well…my time is up, so let us hear now from creation science theist as he debates atheist on what is time and how it does or does not have power to create.

CS-Theist: So please provide evidence that time has existed for zillions of years. Since recorded history only goes back to Eden there is no evidence time has existed beyond that. Documentation is evidence and the evidence we have is provided in the holy Bible, which records the genealogy of Jesus Christ. His ancestry is recorded through son, after son, after son, until it reaches the first man Adam. The Bible says that God personally himself created Adam. Right before that he said and he saw and that was that.

Atheist: We have proof by all we have discovered such as tons of fossils. Transitional fossils that show something turning into something else. There are fossils showing the evolution of goo into beast into ape into grunting half-man-half-animal to thinking man.  How would you explain Neanderthal man? He was an ancient grunting smelly  hunter gatherer. He was ignorant and his only instinct was to survive. His time was spent looking for food besides of course having more Neanderthal people. He is dated back to billions of years.

CS-Theist: My question was about time. Provide evidence that time has existed for billions of years.  Did time exist before the goo appeared? If so where is your evidence? Some evolution scientist who doesn’t believe in God saying it did is not evidence. Time is what we are living in right now. Time began at Genesis one where it says..”In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth….” That prepositional phrase there “in the beginning” is when time began and so did the human race. Heavens and the earth is space and matter. Claiming time existed billions of years is no claim at all since there is no proof. No evidence. No documentation.

Atheist: The universe is old and there is proof for that. I’ll get to that.

CS-Theist: If there was don’t you think there would be a record of it? You know someone would have written it down somewhere. Why is there no record of it? Why is evolution all guesses and theories with no written record? I know the evolutionists have been writing down their theories even as Darwin did for quite some time now. But the fact remains the Bible record came before their so-called records. There are hundreds of manuscripts of the Greek New Testament. There are the Dead Sea Scrolls. But nothing exists in all the records of the world that proves the earth is billions of years old.

Atheist: We have dating methods such as Uranium-thorium-lead dating. We have Potassium-argon dating along with Rubidium-strontium dating and so on. With these incredible methods we c an actually determine how old a fossil is, how old the earth, is how old the universe is.

CS-Theist: Time. My question is about time. If you claim that time has existed for billions perhaps trillions of years than why is there no proof for this? Why is that the records theists have have existed for millennia; in other words the ancients wrote down what they saw and experienced and preserved it for us who would come after. Why didn’t your ancient atheists do the same? Why would they neglect something so important as knowing the earth was billions of years old and writing it down? On a rock, a leaf, anything to tells us. Didn’t they have the intelligence to record any of their discoveries? But here you say you know all this simply because someone said so? I need evidence. I am an empiricist and must have proof. Can you imagine being an attorney and having nothing to present the court except a guess or a theory? You would be a laughing stock and the judge would not take you seriously. He no doubt would see you as mentally challenged.

Atheist: I have proof and will present it during the course of this debate. As for the grunting beasts keeping records. Actually they did not, could not. How could they write anything down when all they knew to do was grunt? They grunted, they multiplied, they ate,they slept they died and their fossils are with us today. Remember they were still walking on all fours. They had not evolved to even walking upright. Before that they were apes and before that they were crawling salivating heinous looking beasts and before that nothing but sticky goo on a distant shore waiting for time to do its creative miracles on them. They needed time and time would not disappoint.

CS-Theist: Do you realize what you’re saying? You’re saying that after billions upon billions of years nothing existed but grunting savage entities whose only instinct was to look for food and multiply? That time as the great creator you claim it to be did nothing for billions of years for these half-man-half animal things but make them grunt? Then die? Tell me how your time god can create a universe that operates according to flawless math principles from the beginning? That makes plants and vegetation, every type of herb and everything else in existence of exquisite beauty and purpose,  yet did nothing for these entities but make them grunt? And crawl on all fours for billions of years. You’re saying that the main thing, the most important entity in existence which is thinking man was nothing but a creeping crawling beast than smelly grunter for billions of years while all else flourished and improved without and around him. Please explain why time would so such a cruel thing to the beginning of humans while turning the earth on its axis in perfect order? Time made everything else perfectly yet left animal man to suffer and die for billions of years leaving nothing but rotting stinky corpses behind them as they exited a world they knew nothing about? Your time-god is cruel beyond description.

Atheist: Not cruel but wise so as to make sure the most important time creation man would someday be able to rule the world as man does now.

CS-Theist: You mean like rule as in  making wars and causing death and destruction in a world that is in desperate and dire straits to this day? One would think that after billions of years time could have done a better job. Please prove that time has existed for literally billions of years. Give me something to read that wasn’t written a hundred years ago. Also how long was a year? Was it twelve months as we know it to be before Genesis one told us? If not what was it and  how did time determine how long a year should be? How did these hideous creatures  live billions of years ago? Was there a moon a sun? Were there stars? How about; how did they measure time? Was there day and was there night? How about rain? Dew? Were there rivers? was there water for them to drink? Where was it?  Where were they? What did they eat? Animals? Fruit? Please tell me what was going on billions of years ago. And prove it. The truth is Time is what is moving forward right now and it exists only from Genesis one to Revelation of Jesus Christ to the chapter where the angel says that time shall be no more. Before that there was God and only he knows anything before Genesis one. Yet here you sit claiming to know what God did not even tell the human race. Incredible!

To be continued……

My Guest Mr Atheist (2)

Hostess: As I told you I am an empiricist I need evidence. What caused the sun to be where it is precisely? Why is it there?

Atheist: It just happened that way.

Hostess: Blind chance huh? As Henry Morris said time is the magic wand of the evolutionist. Given enough time you theorize that a  jet fighter can assemble itself from a tornado ripping through a junkyard?

Atheist: I guess you could say that. After trillions and trillions of years passing  anything can happen.

Hostess: Given enough time anything can happen huh?

Atheist: Anything. No order is needed to produce order. Disorder can produce order if given enough time. Time is the great creator not any deity.

Hostess: Hmmm….so time the great creator can assemble a jet fighter out of zillions of tornadoes ripping through junk after billions of millennia, yet this same creative time limits your time on earth to a few years? Why is this? How is it you seem to be inferior to what time chooses to do with its creative power? Why doesn’t time give you time? Why does time rid the earth of you after no more than a hundred years or less? This seems odd since you are the one observing what is happening the one understanding it all.

Atheists: Time is time, it is an emotionless thing that is not capable of intelligent thought. Time can create but it doesn’t love or favor me over the jet fighter or the tornado or the junk lying around.

Hostess: Time seems like a cruel thing according to your observations. Do you have even the remotest idea why time tosses you aside  after a short time, and that with you filled with trouble, as are all humans beings, while allowing the jet fighter, tornado and junk to exist in order to make more jet-fighters more tornadoes and more junk?

Atheist: Look I’m an atheist not a walking breathing encyclopedia of facts. This is how I see it.

Hostess: You know of course that one answer gives rise to another question. Moving right along let me ask you this. Do you believe in survival of the fittest?

Atheist: Well..yeah I can’t help but believe in what I see. For example if I saw two lions  running after an antelope I know the strongest and swiftest lion will be the one to eat. This is not rocket science. Anyone can see this.

Hostess: Okay let us take this scenario to modern-day America. If you  saw a crippled child being bullied at school by a big healthy kid ,would you defend the offended? Or would you help the offender since you say survival is to the swift and strong?  Or just stand by and watch it play itself out? How would you see this as survival of the fittest or as an act of meanness against a weaker person?

Atheist: Well excuse me what do you think  should be done?

Hostess: If I was an evolutionist I would let it play out not wanting to interfere in the  evolutionary process which process will, given enough time create a perfect world where all crippled and other unfit members of society are a hindrance not a help, therefore must be eliminated. However since I am an intelligent civilized human being I would stop the attack. But going even further than that, because  I am a Christian I am commissioned to not only stop the abuse but pray for the abuser and assist the abused and the abuser in whatever way I can to make their lives better.

Atheist: Now you’re implying that I have no morals that I would walk away and let the crippled boy suffer abuse knowing he will not survive the attack.

“Hostess: Well tell me what you would do if you would please. If you say you would help the poor crippled boy, than you are following the path Jesus took.  The path his followers chose when they chose to follow him. He came to help and heal the hurting and give life to the dead. If you say you will see it as Darwin said it is, which it is as Darwin said the strongest do survive, and let it play out so as not to interfere with the evolutionary process, than you have no morals. I don’t mean to insult you just stating a fact. You would be mean and hateful the very way Jesus said we all are without him.

Atheist: People are nice because they want to be not because Jesus said to be. Jesus is just another good man in the long list of those who tried to make a religious enlightened world. Like Buddha for example.

Hostess: Prove what you just said. You cannot just made statements without evidence to support them. I need evidence. I could take you through the entire history of the world and prove to you that Jesus is the way the truth and the life, that what Moses said is original, and what is coming on the world according to the Hebrew prophets.

Atheist: These things have been happening forever.

Hostess: like what? Be specific. Please provide some evidence to back up what you say. What evidence do you have to prove that time is the creator. Why does time eliminate you yet creates rocks and trees to remain?

Atheist: I am just part of the great happenings. No human being is special. We are all part of the same evolutionary process that has been taking place for trillions of years. I am part of all humans and all humans are part of the process that began when goo washed up on a distant shore trillions of years ago. The goo, then after trillions of years sprouted wings, and flew into the air. It then after more time grew legs and other stuff needed to survive. Then it slowly after millennia turned into an ape. Then after more trillions of years it became something resembling a man. They hunted, they gathered, they grunted, and killed to survive. They had no conception of anything. They were beasts among the beasts struggling to survive in a hostile world. With their bad breath and sharp teeth the lived as animals because basically that is all they were animals. This accounts for crime today. The animal in us is mean and cruel without morals or judgment. We live by instinct.

Hostess: Excuse me I do not live by my instincts. I live by the word of God which guides me and keeps me.

Atheist: Oh please you are as much of an animal as the rest of us. We are nothing more than evolved monkeys struggling to survive in a hostile universe not knowing from one day to the next if some giant unfeeling earthquake will swallow up our cities. Or if some tornado rips through a city killing innocent people and destroying property. By the way this is why I am an atheist. I realize no loving god would do this to his creation.

Hostess: For your information a life line was thrown to us in Christ. He appeared in Israel about two millennia ago with a message from who he said is the Creator of the universe. I for one am glad there is a lifeboat and I boarded it. This not Pascal’s wager stuff this is fact, that a lifeline was offered us.Many gods back then but this God raised the dead. He raised himself from the dead.

Atheist: Offered us? Oh and I’m supposed to be grateful  for a lifeline after he made all this mess to begin with? Why didn’t he create a world that needs no lifeline? Why didn’t he make things in such a way that no one hurts and no one dies? Maybe he is not able. Besides what proof do you have that he was dead than came back to life and offers to save us from death?

Hostess: We have the holy Bible.

Atheist: ha ha ha ha ha …try again!